Also the meme about the holy Roman empire ? That it was neither Roman, nor Holy, nor an empire ? Well. Nor he had any pretext to this, nor he had the power to do so. The Holy Roman Empire was just a barbarian coalition, where the pope of Rome, in order to gain some religious and political control over it, decided to name Charlemagne emperor of the Roman people.
Ottoman empire had nothing to do with the Roman Empire but for their autodenomination. They considered themselves as this, Roman Empire, they had all the needed cultural, historial and real base to do so, therefore they indeed were the Roman empire that fell around 1400.
It's just so modern historians can clarify in a better way history and don't make it this hard to understand, and later on to mark some factors and changes that happen over the centuries.)They always were eastern Roman Empire. At the start of the Roman empire they were in fact called the same. (For example the difference between the modern denomination of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire. Byzantines on the other hand, have this name (Byzantine Empire) because of modern historians and an easiest way to classify them.
I can call myself and my street Roman empire, but it won't be like that. They had no real, nor cultural nor historical base to consider so.